Podiatrists / Chiropodists Cardiff & Pontypridd, WalesFootcare Treatments we offer |
Cardiff: 0292 0628 306
We trust that we have allayed any fears that you may have had about nail surgery. If you have any reservations or are nervous in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us - we have seen every possible variation of ingrowing toenails, so can discuss with you the best treatment plan to remedy your condition.
Common foot problems we can help with...
Foot odour: to keep foot odour at bay, wash feet at least once a day and dry carefully between the toes. Wear clean socks made from at least 70% cotton or wool. Alternate shoes daily to allow them to dry out. If odour persists try an antibacterial soap.
Verrucae: a verruca is a type of wart that often looks like a small, dark puncture mark in the early stages but may later turns grey or brown. It can be contagious through direct contact. You can buy over-the-counter remedies from your pharmacy; ask for products with salicylic acid. If at any stage your verruca becomes painful and the surrounding skin goes red, stop treating immediately and see us. Corns and calluses: corns and calluses occur as a result of pressure on the foot. Corns often appear over a bony prominence such as a joint and a callus usually occurs on the sole of the foot. Do not cut corns yourself and don’t use corn plasters or paints which can burn the healthy tissue around the corns. Commercially available cures should only be used following professional advice. Calluses can usually be kept at bay by using a pumice stone or non metal foot file gently in the bath. Fungal infections: fungal infections such as athletes foot can lead to intense itching, cracked, blistered or peeling areas of the skin. If left untreated it can spread to the toenails causing thickening and yellowing of the nail. Fungal infections can be highly contagious so avoid handling and do not use the same towel for your feet as the rest of your body. You can buy over the counter remedies but nail infections do not often respond to topical treatments so you may need oral medication. See us if your infection persists. |
Ingrowing toenails: ingrowing toenails pierce the flesh of the toe and can be extremely painful and lead to further infection. They most commonly affect the big toenail but can affect other toes too. To reduce risk use nail cutters and cut nails straight across and don’t cut too low at the edge or down the side. If you have an ingrowing toenail, we can remove the offending spike of nail usually in a general clinic appointment but occasionally nail surgery with a local anaesthetic may be required.
Bunions: a bunion is a condition where the big toe is angled excessively towards the second toe and a bony prominence develops on the side of the big toe. Contrary to popular belief, bunions are not solely caused by shoes. They are caused by a defective mechanical structure of the foot which is genetic, although footwear can contribute to a bunion developing. Some treatments can ease the pain of bunions such as padding in the shoes, but only surgery can correct the defect. To avoid exacerbating a bunion, try not to wear narrow shoes with pointed toes. If you experience frequent pain, see us. Cracked heels: cracked heels can be extremely painful and occur where the skin has become dry or has experienced excessive pressure. To prevent them moisturise regularly and use a pumice stone or non-metal file in the bath or shower. If the problem worsens see a podiatrist as some severe cases can require removal of the hard skin, strapping of the cracks in order to allow the feet to heal. |